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Are you still on the same student loan payment plan you agreed to before you graduated? If you've moved on to full-time employment, odds are you have a better credit score and longer credit history than you did as as student. That likely means you can refinance those loans with better terms.

When you refinance student loans with our partner, LendKey, you can pick a rate and term that help advance your unique financial goals. You can choose:

  • A longer term. If you extend your repayment term at the same rate you're paying now, you'll lower your monthly payments. This can be a good choice if your day-to-day budget feels tight and you'd like a little breathing room, but note that you'll pay more in interest over the long run.
  • A shorter term. Shortening your term may mean bigger payments but definitely means bigger savings on interest. You may also be able to get a lower rate to save even more. Consider this option if your income has grown to a point where you'd like to get your loans paid off for good.
  • A lower rate. Decreasing your rate will lower your monthly payments and reduce the interest you pay, but you won't get your loans paid off any faster if you don't change the term. This is never a bad pick – saving money is great!
  • A higher rate. Just kidding. Who would want that?

No matter what you choose, you can consolidate multiple loans into one, leaving you with one easy monthly payment. Applying is fast and free – you can explore your options in minutes, and you'll never pay an application or origination fee.

Are you ready to take control of your student loans? Apply for refinancing today.

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