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Right now, when you bring new money^ to Veridian, you’ll be eligible for our High Yield CD. It’s a special rate to help you earn more faster! $1,000 minimum balance.
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Get a 24-month IRA CD earning [ Show Rate ] APY* with a $500 minimum balance. Or roll existing IRA funds1 not housed at Veridian for a steady rate of return.
Learn More1Funds from Veridian IRAs are not eligible for the IRA High-Yield CD rate. However, funds from IRAs at other financial institutions may qualify. Please check with your other financial institution for any penalties and consult an IRA Specialist for tax-free transfer options. At the end of your IRA High-Yield CD term, it will automatically renew into a non-High-Yield CD with the same term. You will have a 10-business-day grace period to make changes to the CD, including the term. Funds from non-IRA accounts, including those held at Veridian Credit Union, are eligible for the IRA High-Yield CD.
^ New money means funds deposited to Veridian in the last seven days. If funds are withdrawn from Veridian between March 7 – April 17, funds cannot be redeposited as New Money.