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Routing Number: 273976369

Our unique, nine-digit number that functions as an address for your bank.

Veridian offers a wide variety of CDs. View all rates and terms available. Open your CD from all 50 states digitally, stop at any branch in Iowa, Nebraska & Minnesota to open in person, or call us at (800) 235-3228. 

Limited-Time CD Specials

These CD rates are effective 3/26/2025.
CD Specials CD Interest Rate APY* Minimum Balance / Requirements
9 months CD Special
Jumbo CD
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18 months CD Special
Jumbo CD
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24 Month IRA High Yield CD IRA CD Special
Jumbo IRA CD Special
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New IRA Funds/Rollover«
24 Month High Yield CD CD Special
Jumbo CD Special
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New Money^

APY is accurate as of 3/26/2025.

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Interest on CDs is compounded quarterly. APY is subject to change after account is opened except for CDs, the APY doesn't change on CDs until it matures. Interest rate locked when account is opened except for bump-up CDs, which can be converted to a higher rate once during their terms. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal, and fees could reduce earnings on account. Other rates and terms available. Withdrawal of earnings could reduce APY. APY may vary based on market. Membership required to open a CD and is subject to qualifications and a minimum $5 share deposit. Federally insured by NCUA.

†Membership required to open a CD and is subject to qualifications and a minimum $5 share deposit. Public funds and financial institutions are not eligible. Federally insured by NCUA.

« Funds from Veridian IRAs are not eligible for the IRA CD rate. Funds may come from IRAs housed at other financial institutions tax-free and without penalty. At the end of your IRA CD terms, you may renew it at the CD’s prevailing rate at that time or roll it back into an IRA. Funds from other account types, including those housed at Veridian, are eligible for the IRA CD rate. Talk to your tax advisor to understand the tax implications of depositing or withdrawing funds to/from an IRA.


^ New money means funds deposited to Veridian in the last seven days. If funds are withdrawn from Veridian between March 7 – April 17, funds cannot be redeposited as New Money.

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