Veridian Gives Back for Giving Tuesday
For the last 90 years, Veridian has made giving back to our communities a priority. On Giving Tuesday, in honor of our 90th anniversary, we’re making a bigger impact. We're upping our total donation amount to $90,000 this year. Recipient organizations were nominated by the public for our Veridian Gives Back for Giving Tuesday campaign and drawn at random to receive the donations. Three nonprofit organizations in each of our five market areas, including the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area, Cedar Rapids/Iowa City corridor, Des Moines metro area, Omaha/Council Bluffs area and the Twin Cities metro area are receiving a $5,000 donation. An additional nonprofit organization from any of our market areas was also drawn to receive a $15,000 donation.
Congratulations to all our recipient organizations!
Search for local nonprofits in your community and learn about their work.
Nominate your favorite local nonprofit. Nominated nonprofits must work to address one of Veridian's five funding priorities: affordable housing; basic human needs; diversity, equity and inclusion; employment readiness or financial literacy.
We will award a total of $90,000 to local nonprofit organizations in Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska.
Thank you for nominating your favorite nonprofit for Veridian Gives Back for Giving Tuesday. Learn more about how we invest in our communities.
Veridian Gives Back for Giving Tuesday Recipients
Grand donation

Contact us to learn more about Veridian Gives Back for Giving Tuesday