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Veridian’s Facebook page will contain financial educational information, but not advice. We are not financial planners. If you are a Veridian member and have specific questions regarding your account, please contact us by phone (800) 235-3228 or online chat. Please feel free to reach out to us about anything related to Veridian, to post on our page, and to comment on our photos. While interacting with Veridian, ensure that your posts do not violate any state or federal laws, or suggest that others do so; infringe on copyrights or trademarks, are not considered SPAM or include links to other sites, include advertisement of your business or services; do not contain profane, violent, abusive or explicit language; or are harassing or disruptive in nature. We reserve the right to remove posts that violate our guidelines. Above all, please be respectful. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but harsh or continuous disparagement is not.

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