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How do I become a Veridian Board member or Associate Director?

As a member-owner of Veridian Credit Union you have the opportunity to help lead your credit union by running for an Associate Director position. This is the first step to becoming a Board member. The duties of an Associate Director are the same as that of a Director, with the exception of voting in Board meetings. Both positions include collaborating in strategic planning, participating in regular meetings, acting as an ambassador of the credit union, and continuing education that contributes to the effectiveness of our Board.

Associate Directors will also serve within term limits of no more than six years, while Directors may serve unlimited terms if they continue to be re-elected by our members. Directors serving the final year of their term will continue to be eligible for re-election. Associate Directors must serve a minimum of two years and receive a positive peer review from the Board to become eligible to run as a Director.

In years where an Associate Director is eligible to run for a Director position, all eligible candidate names will be presented for a traditional member vote, including Directors and eligible Associate Directors. In years when the number of Director candidates is equal to the number of vacant Director seats, members will cast a confirmation vote of “yes” or “no” for candidates to be elected. When our elections are determined by confirmation vote, candidates must receive more than 50% “yes” votes from Veridian members to remain on the Board.

Veridian's Board members are democratically elected by our members, helping to ensure our Board serves with our members' best interest in mind.

A Call for Candidates is made every December. If you're interested in running for the Veridian Board of Directors call (319) 236-5604, submit your name and you will be sent a nomination form to complete. Elections for Directors are held at the Annual Meeting in the spring. Each member has equal ownership in the credit union and one vote in electing their Board of Directors and Associate Directors.

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