Protect Financial Choice
Join us in asking Iowa lawmakers to protect your right to choose a credit union.
Published Thursday, January 4, 2018 to Articles
After six consecutive years of record profits, Iowa banks are lobbying lawmakers now more than ever to raise taxes on credit unions and eliminate Iowans' access to not-for-profit, cooperatively owned financial services. In this legislative session, your representatives need to hear from credit union members like you to understand why credit unions are so important to Iowa’s financial landscape.
Please join us in sharing the importance of the credit union difference with our elected officials, including that:
- 1.1 million Iowans save more than $100 million annually on better rates and lower fees compared to what they would have paid at a bank.
- Iowa banks have enjoyed six consecutive years of record profits and dominate the financial marketplace with 86% of deposits and 95% of commercial loans.
- Credit unions provide competition in the market that helps bring down the cost of financial services for all Iowans.
Banks try to paint a picture of credit union competition hurting their business – but the numbers don’t back that up. All Iowans win and keep more of their own money when credit unions are part of the financial landscape.
Click the button below to ask your legislator to protect Iowans' access to not-for-profit financial services, and ask them to oppose any legislation that raises taxes on Iowa's 1.1 million credit union member-owners.