What is Plaid?
Plaid is a financial services company that Veridian uses to verify external accounts. Plaid will make two deposits, each less than a dollar, into your account, and you report those amounts to us to prove your ownership.
When does Veridian use Plaid?
If you apply for membership online and choose to fund new accounts using an external account, Plaid will help verify your ownership.
Why does Veridian use Plaid?
Plaid enables us to verify your access to external accounts, preventing fraudulent transfers.
Do I have to sign up independently through Plaid before completing my online membership application with Veridian?
No. If Plaid is required based on the options you choose, the process will begin automatically and you'll get more instructions at that time.
What if I don't want to use Plaid?
You can complete your online membership application without Plaid by:
- Funding your accounts with a debit or credit card. This option is only available if your funding total is less than $500.
- Bring cash, a check or a money order into any branch. You can finish your application and fund your accounts in person. To save time, please know your unique application access code.
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