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So much of your life is online these days, including your financial accounts. As a result, cyber attacks are becoming more and more prevalent.


Hackers will stop at nothing to get their hands on your personal information. And if they get it, they may be able to access your finances.


With a little know-how and preparation, you can stop cyber criminals in their tracks and keep your data safe.



What hackers really do


Hackers are always trying to access your personal data. They could be after your social security number, bank information or passwords to your online accounts.


In the wrong hands, this data can be used to steal your identity. They may be able to get their hands on your financial accounts, or open new accounts in your name. Or they could simply use your online shopping accounts to buy items for themselves.


Once they have what they’re looking for, they could use it for themselves or sell it on the black market.


How do hackers get your data?


When you think of hackers, you might think of scary people in dark rooms. They’re typing furiously to hack into the backdoor of your network.


That may be how it works in the movies. But in real life, it’s a lot less dramatic. Hackers mostly rely on social trickery to get into your data.


One of their most common tactics is called phishing. For this to work, they will send you an email or a text message asking you for your personal information.


They may pretend to be from your financial institution and tell you there’s a problem with your account. They’ll ask you to respond with your username and password, or provide a link to a fake website to type it in.


If you provide your information this way, they’ll be able to access your accounts.


In other instances, the hackers may send you a file that installs malware to your device if you open it. Or they may call you and convince you that they are an IT security professional and need remote access to your device.


Tips to protect yourself from hackers


Hackers are relentless, but you can protect yourself with the right knowledge. Here are five tips to protect your personal data and financial accounts:


1. Lock down your logins.

Use strong passwords for your online accounts. Make them long, random and unique. And don’t use the same password for multiple accounts. Password managers, like LastPass, can create and save your passwords, so you don’t have to remember all of them.

2. Use multifactor identification (MFA).

With MFA, you’ll be asked to verify yourself via text message or email when you log into an account. This way, even if a hacker gets your password, they won’t be able to access your account without access to your mobile phone.

3. Learn to spot scams.

If an email or text from an unknown sender seems suspicious, it probably is. Don’t click links in suspicious emails, especially if they claim there’s a problem with your account or ask you to reset your password out of the blue. And don’t open any attachments you’re not expecting. Go to the site in question by searching for it or typing the URL directly.

Learn More: Keep your money safe from phishing scams

4. Update your devices regularly.


New computer and phone software updates often include important security fixes. Enable automatic updates to ensure you always have the latest security patches.

5. Don’t provide sensitive information over the phone.


Never give your password, account information or personal information to someone who calls you, even for identification purposes. If they claim to be an IT security professional, do not let them have remote access to your computer.


Stay cyber secure


Now is a great time to check your online banking security settings to ensure your account is secure. Click below to log into Veridian online banking.


And be sure to check out additional content about protecting yourself from online scams.


Log into online banking More cybersecurity content

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